Create trail

A new trail can be added either by recording it directly or by uploading a GPX file. If you choose to upload a GPX file, please ensure you adhere to the Code of Conduct by having the proper authorization and respecting the rights of other trail authors.

Code of Conduct for Trail Mappers Uploading GPX Files

  1. Authorization: Ensure you have the legal right to upload and share the GPX file. Only upload trails you have personally recorded or have explicit permission from the original author to share.

  2. Respect for Others: Do not upload trails that belong to other authors without their prior consent. Acknowledge the efforts of fellow trail creators by respecting their rights.

  3. Accuracy: Verify that the GPX file accurately represents the trail and its features.

  4. Community Integrity: Contribute responsibly to maintain the quality and integrity of the Touren community.

To explore trail creation in details check out complete manuals to record new trail directly or upload GPX file

Recognition and rewards

  • Trail Badges: Earn exclusive digital badges that recognize your contributions to the community. These badges will be displayed on your profile and in the app.

  • Trail Coins: Trail Scouts earn TrailCoins for their contributions. Creating new trails and new sections are rewarded with TrailCoins, while completing trail sections by other riders also earns additional coins. This system encourages the creation of high-quality, engaging trails that benefit both the community and the Trail Scouts.

Trail Coins

Last updated